Monday, April 5, 2010

52. Where the Wild Things Are

Title: Where the Wild Things Are
Author/Illustrator: Maurice Sendak
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers
Copyright Date: 1963
Number of Pages: 48
Reading Level: 9+
Genre: Fantasy/Picture Book

Max is a little out of control. He likes to make mischief and he’s good at it. But he goes too far when he yells at his mom that he will eat her up. She sends him to his room without supper. Max goes to his room and slowly it starts to turn into a forest. Max finds a boat waiting for him to sail it away from his forest room. It takes weeks to a year before Max reaches the land of the wild things. The beasts roared and barred their teeth and their mighty claws. Max yells for the wild things to “BE STILL!” Max shows the wild things his magic trick and they are all amazed and want to make him their king. Max’s first order of business is for the wild rumpus to begin. They all howl and dance under the moon and swing from tree to tree. They parade Max on their shoulders happy to finally have a king. Max yells for them to stop and sends all of them off to bed without any supper. Then Max smells something really good and decides that he should follow the smell and give up being king. The wild things were upset and wanted Max to stay but he yelled “No!” and sailed away. The wild things roared again and showed their claws and teeth. Max sailed a year and then a week and then a day until he was home. He found his supper sitting in his room and it was still hot.

I would recommend this as a bedtime story for kids. Parents who have kids that just want to be rowdy and a wild thing should read this with their children.


Max is punished for being a wild thing but the punishement isn’t actually carried out. He gets his dinner anyway. (Not that this is a bad thing.)

My Reaction
I think this book is fun and I have personal ties to it from childhood. I think my brothers (especially the oldest) have stronger ties because they were wild things more than me. Every time I enjoy when Max decides that being a wild thing is fun but home is better.

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